

BiorePeelCl3 with Ares Microneedling 45 minutes

Price: £100



Combing the revolutionary BioRePeel with Cosmetic Microneedling significantly increases product penetration to amplify results. Microneedling stimulates the body’s natural healing processes to increase collagen and elastin, improving tone, texture, scarring and wrinkles. What is BioRePeel? An innovative treatment peel that dissolves bonds between cells that carefully removes the top layer of skin revealing the glowing smooth layer underneath. While exfoliating the skin surface, it also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It is a TCA 35% chemical peel that provides: BIOstimulation Revitalization PEELing Where Biostimulation amplifies the fibroblasts to significantly improve the texture with instant results; Revitalization is responsible for healthy skin formation. Peeling provides skin renewal. To achieve all of these, the peel contains a blend of the following: TCA 35% to improve skin texture, scars and pigmentation Salicylic acid to decongest the pores & help with excessive oil Tartaric acid to brighten the skin. Lactobionic acid to ensure better intercellular metabolism. Vitamin C to provide antioxidant effect and strengthen the capillaries Amino acids & Vitamin B2 to revitalize and stimulate the formation of new healthy cells, derived of stress, damage and exhaust. This pharmaceutically developed mix of vitamins and amino acids stimulates the new skin growth, while mitigating UV damage, fading the scarring and effects of fine lines and aging. Besides having anti-aging and refreshing effects, it is perfectly suitable for the problematic and acne prone skin. This innovative formula is capable of removing the blocked pores and deep blackheads that are not reachable through regular facial treatments; BioRePeel’’s antibacterial effect also helps with acne and complications associated with it.

With ARES® AK Dermo Restructurant by CMed Aesthetics-developed as a metabolic stimulator and moisturizer for the treatment of tired looking skin and all types of tissue scars.

Succinic acid is produced and concentrated in the mitochondria, and its main biological function is as a metabolic intermediate. Many metabolic pathways, such as the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, and heme, rely on the transient formation of succinate. At the cellular level, succinic acid accelerates metabolic processes that promote skin rejuvenation and may ultimately help improve skin firmness and elasticity.

Its stimulating effects are complemented by a pool of 14 natural amino acids and a blend of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acids.